Monday, February 7, 2011

Divya Yadav

Divya Yadav daughter of SP, K L Yadav was B.Com. Student when she met Mehul Maharaj current senior of the same college. Mehul Maharaj everytime used to roam around her to trap her in everyway. By getting irritation she complained about this to her father. Two policemen went and warned that boy casually. After that also he continued to attract her. After that Divya also started believing him a lot. He is always ready to help her, caring about her and motivating for good things. He pruposed lots of time and she accepted it as her goodluck. For his wish she participated in Miss UP contest. Everything was good upto Mehuls admission in MBA at Pune. Divya was in BCom Finale year when he was shifted to Pune. Then as usual Mehul got buzy in his Study, career, new environment, new college with new freinds. Divya always keep contact but with time he started showing his ignorance directly. But Divya thought its because of distance. After her education she started to ask Mehul to convince his parants. He refused that its not possible because he is Higher category Brahmin and she is not. She got stunned. It was continued upto another one year. She always keep asking to marry and he continued to refused. Meanwhile Divya's parants fixed her marriage with one Bank Officer. When she come to know she told about Mehul. First Divyas father tortured her in many ways. Locked in room, beat her and abuses but as a father atlast he thought to talk with Mehul.
He directly told that it is not possible because with Divya it was just attraction moreon she is not a Brahmin and he loves another girl and going to marry her.
Divya became psychologically ill, dull, depressed and left job. One day she shoot herself with her fathers service revolver by writing one note that Mehul should perform her death rituals, it was her last wish. When Mehul was informed about this he refused to come and send that he is not authorised to do that as he was not her husbend.
After one year of that Mehul Maharaj married Sudha Viswas. It was love marriage.
Why Divya Yadav lost her right and life? Where was the Law and Order which cant help on SP's daughter?
For this exact dates of incidents are not awailable because it was happened 3 years ago and girl is dead.
This is not movie script but cruest reality. If you know any real story of injustice of any kind with women please share here or any place you like with everyone. Because with hard example only we can force people to think about women.


One village Girl named Vallabhi got married on 13/05/1994 happily with Krishna Patra native of LAILUNGA (CHHATTISGARH) with all the rituals and dowry necessary to maintain for the society.
After 1 year of marriage Krishna left Vallabhi at her mothers home and didnt call her or wish to take for 3 months. Then girls father send himself to inlaw house. 6/07/1996 Vallabhi's father died. For that both (Vallabhi and Krishna) visited and Krishna went after someday by saying that Vallabhi should take care of her mother for some more days. Then again he didnt wish to take her. 25/02/1997 with a local PALLI SABHA (community court) with every ones presence that case was overviewed then Boys side accused that Vallabhi is characterless. If she will accept it they will take her back. Because of court pressure they again accepted and took her with them.
      18/01/1998 someone called to Vallabhi's brother to come immidiatly. They found Vallabhi in Health Care unit with extreme Wounds and uncounseous condition. Then they admitted her in hospital. after 3 days she got her sense. After that they didnt send her to inlaws neither boy side took intrest to call her.
       9/07/1998 Vallabhi came to know that Krishna got married with someone else. She went to Krishna's home but they embressed her and thrown out her. She gave FIR in police station. But boyside came outside within 1 hour by paying money. Then she claim case in District court for her living and divorce.
Upto today the case is pending. Now her three brothers also got married and happy with their own family. They also refused to take care of her.

What is the fault of Vallabhi???????????????

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Common Matter

General Facts:-

v  63.7% rural women are taking part in direct income of the family while only 39.1% urban women earns.
v  Almost 71% of women handed out their remunerations voluntarily to the head of their families; 21% handed it unwillingly. In rural areas the 65% cases salary is given directly to male of the family not the women*.
v  Only 1.01% women successfully get married to their choice with family support. Almost 88 % of families identified the future husband of their daughters. 11% girls get married against their wish. 4% women physically and 31% women psychologically get tortured by family member to get married.
v  29% husband commit violence against wives. 3% of total violence results in death of victims.
v  27 % husband wouldn’t allow their wives to visit home or relative.
v  22 % husband select clothing for wives without consulting her.
v  Almost 83% women get neglected directly by head of the family, rest 17% women are higher salary holder. J
v  86% of mistakes that women had been punished for by the heads of the families - regardless the educational achievements of the head of the family - were mistreatment and cursing; 24% of these mistakes were neglecting their households' duties. Husbands beat their wives in 59% of such cases; insulted them in 38% cases and used silence in 2.4% cases.
v  11. 67% of women had been punished in front of their family members; 52% of the punished women were insulted; 56% were deprived of pocket money and 97% were beaten.
v  Sticks were used against women in 23% of cursing cases; in 36% of beat cases; in 20% of sexual harassment cases; in 42% of money matters; in 75% of bodily assault cases.
v  7 % women are sent back to home after 2-5 years of marriage by their husband or head of the family for various.
v  Only 3 % women have freedom to decide about themselves.
v  35% of working women are highly suffering misbehavior from male subordinate.
v  40% cases family members support the violence just because it is thought to be un-written rule of their community.

Some Small Drop of Hope
Ø  Condense the awareness-raising campaigns that address men and women to highlight the importance of respecting women's dignity and prestige as well as treating them politely, and to bring attention to the negative impact of disrespecting and mistreating women on women's personality, family and community.
Ø   Intensify penalties against people who assault women and expanding these penalties to address all sorts of violence against women.
Ø   Expand the inclusion of the curricula at all educational levels, to include information and knowledge that might enhance the values of equity and equality between sexes, and emphasize the importance of Gender participation and coordination for the benefit of family and community; and to amend the traditional roles, attitudes and behaviours of men and women.
Ø  Find places to accommodate abused women who cannot find a secured shelter or income, rehabilitating them and intervening with necessary help through the establishment of an "Abused and Harmed Women's Fund" to enable them to face life's hardship.
Ø   Continue carrying out field research and analytical studies to measure the new variables of all sorts of violence against women, to find out its reasons and their implications on women, family and community.
Ø  continue working with all Official and Public parties to cancel reservations on some items of the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women CEDAW. Pursue the implementation of the National Plan to protect women from violence in cooperation with the Syrian Commission for Family Affairs and the relevant parties.
Ø  Establish Medical Centres with specialists to provide psychological treatments for the abused women.
Ø  Continue coordinating with relevant parties to improve the performance of policewomen, in particular equipping them with the necessary training for treating women in special situations.  
Ø  concentrate on media messages to highlight the impact of violence against women and its negative results on the family and community as well as cooperating.